Maya Deren, The Witch’s Cradle Silvia Federici, Witches, Witch-Hunting and Women, Hilma af Klint, Tree of Knowledge Vaike Lubi, Anna Halprin, Dance Deck Agnes Denes, Wheatfield A Confrontation Marguerite Humeau, Orisons Georgiana Houghton, The Spiritual Crown of Annie Mary Howitt Watts, Chiara Camoni Charwei Tsai, Lotus Mantra II, Ana Mendieta Emma Kunz, Remedios Varo, Ruptura Leonor Fini, Le bout du monde II, Ithell Colquhoun Monica Sjöö, Aspects of the Great Mother, Chiara Fumai, Spell N. 22 Saya Woolfalk, Rosetta Stone of Empathic Movement and Biology Renée Stout, The Rootworker’s Worktable, lejandra Hernández, Witches Zadie Xa, Moon Poetics 4 Courageous Earth Critters and Dangerous Day Dreamers, Bonnie Ora Sherk, A Living Library & Think Park Christine de Pizan, Le Livre de la Cité des dames Leonor Fini Cavalcata di amazzoni Alina da Porciuncula Paias A Casa da Bruxa